Sunday, October 16, 2011

Memoir Photo 7 - Naive Aspirations?

I've written a lot about my past. But memoirs are also about who we are today, and what we will become in the future, and that's a huge part of my life right now. I've even titled my whole blog after my sort of tentative but impatient mindset: Naive and Ambitious.

The picture above is of Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe. And if that isn't the most beautiful place I can imagine on Earth, I'd like to see what is. My childhood dreams of novelism and nature-studying have evolved into a want to be a travel journalist, seeing the world, writing about it, sharing glimmers of diamonds in the rough with the masses. This life was given to us for us to do something with it, and with mine, I want to experience the world and all its beauties and tragedies and secrets as much as I can. I know I'm young, and full to the brim with improbable dreams, but I know that this burning desire won't die down easy, and I know I'll fight for it to the end.

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