Sunday, October 16, 2011

Memoir Photo 2 - The Contractor's Daughter

My dad is a contractor, and that giant white mansion/house up there is the home he designed for my four-person family in Conifer. It ended up being too big for us in the end, but we lived there for four years, and it was amazing. My room, I remember, was only accessible if you braved the top-floor catwalk, and it had its own loft and walk-in closet--heck, thinking back, my closet had its own loft. And balcony.

Anyhow, the point is, it was pretty darn huge. Another catalyst for my overactive childhood imagination. And my dad consistently had jobsites constructing homes similar to it, and he would let me tag along often. I would walk through his construction zones like they were second homes, and when I'd grown bored of those, I'd wander off and explore the surrounding forests with my trusty companion Pepper.

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