Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Collaborative Poem

We have to remember
       why we started.

    There is a universe
        of knowledge
            to learn.

            We learn from meditation,
                     from people,
                from nature.

                      We sift the data,
                          we can never create it.

                              Sometimes we are kicked down.
                                But when we get up
                                       we stand taller...

                                               until we're tall enough
                                                   to show how cool
                                                           being a dork is.

                                               I want millions of people to hear us.
                                                            I'm a whore for applause.
                                                                                        I want millions to hear me.


                                                  We need to give back.
                         To build each other up.

We have to remember
     why we started.

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